Our volunteers at Project Sunshine play a huge role in bringing joy to pediatric patients. They dedicate their time to alleviate stress for kids facing medical challenges through in-person and virtual programming and activity kit packing.
We wanted to create a way to highlight and honor a few of our all-star volunteers. And so, we’re hosting our FIRST Annual Volunteer Awards to recognize those who went above and beyond to help fulfill the Project Sunshine mission.
Meet the 2022 Volunteer Awardees!
- Hosted national Teleplay programs regularly
- Completed program reports in a timely manner
- Hosted Teleplay practice sessions for chapter members
- Hosted weekly direct service programs with
Ronald McDonald House of Central Ohio
- Fundraised $250 by November 2021
- Completed 3 Sending Sunshine programs
- Never had to cancel a program with RMH and communicated efficiently with HQ and RMH
- Had a successful year with our new partner, Ronald McDonald House - Central Ohio, hosting over 20 in-person programs and keeping up great communication! Here's feedback from RMH-Central Ohio:
"Today we had one of our families staying with us speak during our ground breaking ceremony for our upcoming expansion. The pediatric patient in the family was asked what their favorite thing about Ronald McDonald House was and one of the things she said specifically was doing arts and crafts with the Ohio State chapter of Project Sunshine!!! The families here definitely appreciate your presence. Thank you so much! They appreciate you more than you know."
-1.png?width=394&name=Lian%20Wolman%20Marketing%20%26%20Communications%20Intern%20(13)-1.png) “I love volunteering with Project Sunshine because of the connections I am able to create with pediatric patients. Seeing their faces light up during Teleplay sessions and the way they engage with activities brings me joy!"
- Extremely responsive to HQ and partner requests
- Encourages Florida International University (FIU), chapter volunteers to lead Teleplay sessions for new partners including Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, UC Davis, and Children’s Hospital Association
- Completed Teleplay program session reports in a timely manner
- Coordinated three Sending Sunshine events
- Coordinate Teleplay practice sessions for FIU
- Chosen as a feature on our Instagram for National Volunteer Month
- Facilitated a seamless chapter leadership transition
 “I am enjoying doing Teleplay since the beginning of COVID and look forward to our sessions. When you see the strength, humor and joy on the children’s faces despite their own personal obstacles it is heartwarming and lifts one spirits. I do feel the volunteers in many ways get more our of playing with the children then the children get. A win-win.”
- One of our largest chapters that has been in existence since 2016
- Conducted TelePlay and in-person programs with Pediatric Specialty Care, and Shriners Chicago
- Great leadership for in-person programming, with clear communication with Pediatric Specialty Care to cover more sessions in the summer
- Regularly facilitated TelePlay practice sessions
- Members participated in HQ-led webinars

- Chosen to star in a TelePlay promotional video for Project Sunshine
- Jassmine facilitated a special TelePlay session from the Seacrest Studios at Children’s Hospital of Orange County
- Jassmine created a “Finish the Lyric – Holiday Edition” TelePlay game to further engage the children at CHOC
- Karen facilitated regular Teleplay sessions with the siblings of hospice patients and organized an Activity Kit packing event for her chapter in 2021- the first in person packing event for a community chapter since COVID begin in 2020!
- Karen started as a chapter leader in Denver, CO and after moving to Orange County, CA she founded this chapter in 2019