Give the Gift of Play to Children Facing Medical Needs


All children deserve play.

Each year in the United States, over 3 million children are hospitalized. 30% of chronically ill kids face academic disruption, missing key instruction and vital social interactions. Project Sunshine creates opportunities for play and mental stimulation to  distract patients from their physical and emotional challenges. Together, we can deliver the healing power of play.

More Ways to Give

Stocks and Mutual Funds
Donate appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. The total value of the stock upon transfer is tax-deductible. There is no obligation to pay any capital gains taxes on the appreciation.
Employee Matching

Matching gifts are a great way to maximize your contribution and increase a gift’s impact – sometimes doubling or even tripling the amount.

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
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Support Project Sunshine by making a charitable gift in cryptocurrency. We accept donations in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and over 100 additional leading cryptocurrencies.

Donor Advised Funds

Recommend a grant to Project Sunshine through your donor-advised fund. Click the link below and enter the name of your donor-advised fund to get started.

Planned Giving

Leave a lasting legacy of sunshine and brighten the lives of future generations. A planned gift, such as a bequest in your will or trust, will benefit children in need for years to come and will cost you nothing now.